Once A Porn A Time Walkthrough & Guide

Once A Porn A Time Walkthrough & Guide

Welcome to Once A Porn A Time Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

CH: 1 PART 1 – Once A Porn A Time Walkthrough & Guide

Ok so after the GAME/TINKER intro we start the game by making Snow white, we do that by clicking in the characters creation chamber. In this place we can create characters, clothes and hairstyles to customize later in the game.

The next day she should be ready, now let’s visit her. You can do that by clicking the hologram machine in the middle of the room.

NOTE: You can also clean your room by clicking the trash and the parts that need to be fixed, now that that’s done let’s go back to the game.

At this point we only have 2 places to visit “Snow Point” and “magic forest” Let’s go to the latest. Snow white will give us a nice welcome. Don’t forget to go slowly with her so no lewd stuff for now, but she can make an ahegao face if you want.

When you have finished go back to the base here we can wait for the next day or we can use the drone, we need money so use the drone every time you can, I recommend go searching twice with the and the comeback, it will not go very far but we have secure money doing this.

The next day go back to snow white, this time she will tell you that she needs 3 apples baskets you can get them by using the computer in your room.

Go on the computer


Gift store

Apple basket

Now we wait for the next day, the apples should be in the mailbox (the part with a letter image on your left), now go to Snow white and wait another day and come back for your pie and you will be rewarded with a scene.

If you come back the next day she will agree to show you her bra and panties and after she shows you them twice we could proceed with the game. Now you can ask her to give you her panties and bra for the Queen to save her head.

You can come back the next day and ask her to show her boob and lower body but she will refuse with the implication that you need to give her something in exchange. Go back to your room.

Use the bell on your left and talk to Tinkerbell she will assign you a side quest with this you will have access to the clothes creation in the characters chamber. Now get the items for the clothes of both girls. You can get the materials in two ways by searching with the drone or by buying in the online store on your computer, I vastly recommend shopping online and let the drone get the money.

By giving them their new outfits “tavern dress” for Snow white and Tinker her new dress you will be able to continue with the story.

Also the next day you visit Snow White you will get a new drone “Petal” .

NOTE: You can meet Sphinx if you send Petal in a mission, you can do that at “MANAGE AUTOMATIC DRONES” more of here at the end or CH:1 PART 3

The next thing to do is buy more apples for pies. By doing this you unlock Snow white´s next scene, remember not to push your luck so much and buy her candy apples in the online store if you get her mad.

When you come back to your base Tinker tells you she has an idea to make snow white a little more lewd, all this by getting a cooking book. To get the book you need to buy it +200c in the online store or use the drone. I would rather use the drone.

The book and all the important stuff for the story are the golden “!” mark so keep that in mind, also don’t forget to add drone energy from the store to make it easier, also save before you send the drone and load if you fail the task.

Once you have it in your hand, call tinker. The story will continue by giving it to Snow white. Also Tink will ask you for another dress.

If you give it to her you will get the CHARACTER QUEST: BOSS NEW DRESS

Now let’s continue with the Snow White quest, the next time you visit her. She will tell you that she wants to try a new recipe but she need cupid apples, that is where we enter you need to get her 3 cupid apples baskets, you get the CPB (cupid apples baskets) in the online store same place where you get the normal apple, they are also a little more expensive. Give them to Snow white and she will make a pie the next day.

The next day you visit her you will encounter a nice scene right there.

Now she can show her boobs and her lower body.

The Next day is Christmas day so we need a present for Tinkerbell go with snow white she can make a Santa hat perfect for Tinker, but she need 4 scrap clothes go get them so you can get her new hat, you probably are thinking that this is pointless but we need this unlock Anna, just not now.

Continue asking favor to snow white until the option strip is available. To make her do it we need more cupid apples. Get them and give them to snow white and the next day the pie should be ready again.

Now we get another scene if you choose to slap you get to unlock CHARACTER


Now you are probably thinking that you can finally get her strip scene, well bad luck we need more cupid apples, do the same like the last time, and get the scene. Along with the MAIN STORY QUEST SNOW STRIP


With this we finally finish the first part of the first chapter.

CH: 1 PART 2 – Once A Porn A Time Walkthrough & Guide

We start this chapter with Tinker waking us up and also giving us the news that we can make a new princess, two do this we need two “Character Data” Tinker gives us one but we need another one. The best way to get it is in the store, careful it is kind of expensive. Also we get a permanent update for the drone and normal upgrades in the “DRONE STORE” don’t forget to buy them and use them to make our life easier.

Get the character data and we get Anna after 3 days but not without some shenanigans.

Once Anna is finally ready go to the “snow pole” instead of the “Magic Forest” And there we meet Emee and Em AI


And I suppose that we also meet Anna, we also get access to Emee´s moon base

Go there the next day and after some dialogues she will agree to join the team with you and Tinker as part of the company (we don’t have a company name right?).

You are probably thinking that you are here to bang D. Princesses and not random OCs, but relax she grows on you so give her a chance.

Anyway, the next day try to go to the “snow point” again, but with little success. We need a Housekeeper costume for Emee. To get it we need to see her in her base the next day and after some dialogue exchange she will give us discounts to finally buy

it, get the material and proceed to do the “HOUSEKEEPER DRESS” it would be ready after a day.

When you finally have the dress go back to Emee to continue the story. Then go to the “snow point” with her.

When we officially meet Anna we encounter a little surprise scene but a welcome one.

After her introduction she will ask you how to address you. Choose whatever you like. And with that we unlocked the MAINS STORY QUEST: WINTER VIBRATIONS

After that we come back to the ship and Tinker will tell us that we need to read books so we can teach the lesson to Anna properly. You will find the books in the bookcase in your room next to the bed.

You can only use them at night so keep that in mind. The only book available is “Sewing for idiots” . It will only take you three night to learn everything from it. Once you have finish it go back to Anna, and start doing “Teaching and Favors”

To advance the story choose the Green Heart.

She will tell us that she needs another dress, so we need to get her one.

Go with Emee the next day to get the blueprint for the dress, she will give us three options of the color (Purple, Blue or Green) choose the one you like the most.

After that get the materials and start making the dress in the character chamber.

The day it should be ready but Thinker would ask you to get a dress and a hat as nice as her. To do that we need to get the blueprints the same way we got the cooking book for snow white.

This time you will find a Box that needs a code

The code will be “SNOWMAN” you can’t copy and paste so you need to type it yourself. You sometimes will find this type of secret box with these types of codes, you can find most of the answers with a little research on Google.



Once you have it go to Emee’s moon base and you can buy “Tinker winter hat” blueprint. Get the material and create the hat in the characters chamber, in -Hairstyles creation- after a day it should be ready.

You can continue with this side quest by making her the “winter dress” for Tinker. While the dress is being made you can search for another golden “!” with you drone this time you will find a weird military hat.

The next day that the dress is ready she will tell you how happy she is because of you, she also will give you a bonus of 550c. Call Tinker from your computer and give her “weird military hat” she will reminisce about her past and Space Mother Russia you will also unlock the CHARACTER QUEST: CHRISTMAS BOOBS.

After that is done go back to Anna to continue her story. She will model her new dress and you will tell her to make the skirt shorter. Come back the next day for the result

After some dialogue exchange Anna will refuse to make it shorter, that’s where Emee comes and saves the day by convincing her rather easily that it is ok.

Go back to “Snow point” The following day and find that she ran out of clothes scraps so we need to get her 6 more in the base Tinker informs us that the price of the clothes scraps has gone up so they are more expensive. Good thing the drone combo exists.

Once you have them go back to Anna, she will start working on her summer dress.

Go back the following day and you will find her stuck like this. After some throwing some ideas of how to get her out we settle for cutting the corset. We do this by cutting each part. At the end she also will let you touch her bobs if you want.

By doing that we unlock the CHARACTER QUEST: SNOW CORSET

Go back the following day, she will thank you for the lesson and she is excited for the following lesson for the “coronation dress” and “Ball dress” that you totally planned and other stuff.

Let’s focus on the dress first, go with Emee, you and her will be partners in this mission to try to find the blueprint for the coronation dress. When you are ready for action, talk with her,

In this god forsaken place we start looking for Anna’s data.

We start by trying to turn on the screen, on your left you will see a button.


This will not work, so go talk to Emee, she will unlock the drawers so you can search them inside you will find credits and blueprints. Now try again turning on the computer, now go to

Character status

Next page

Next page

>inventory access Anna

> Enter the password

And Type 123ANNA123 and choose DRESS_03 CORONATION BLUEPRINT and copy the blueprint.


To be able to do this we need to sacrifice one of the outfits we found here, choose the one that sounds less appealing to you. And copy the data.

Back to our base, Tinker will tell us a little bit about Elsa and Little red. Once that is settled we proceed to do the dress for Anna like always.

Once the dress is ready, go back to Anna. She will be happy and eager for the new lessons that we are totally unprepared for, so we need a new book, Go to Emee and ask her if she has one.

She doesn’t but promises you to get you a new one soon and will lend you a Julio Verne book, we need to read it at night. At this point we stop focusing with Anna and go back to snow white.

Go to the magic forest and ask her to strip and make sure that all the hearts are dark pink

The following day Tinker will tell you that she has an idea to make Snow white more Lewd. Go to Snow white and she will give you a quest, a new dress……

Go to Emee for the new blueprint, if your affection is high enough she will exchange it to you the following day.

After some dialogues and playing A.I Matchmaker, Now we can change Emee’s clothes and you will be able to do the same for Tinker if we give her a punk hairstyle. You can buy the blueprint from Emee.

Going back to Snow White we need to create her “Adventure Clothes” that we got from Emee, get the materials and make it. The following day it should be ready so visit Snow white.

She will be happy until she puts it on, it seems that she is not a big fan of pants so we need to give her 5 clothes scraps to fix it.

Come back when you want to start the adventure. Go to “GO FOR ADVENTURE” option

After a scene with Snow White and Tinker we need to get coins for the wishing well, but we have to throw the crowned one last. You can get these coins with the drone and with Emee.

Every coin has a different effect but can only be used once so save the game if you want to view the event again, the coins with the drone have the golden “!” mark just like we did before.

When you are satisfied with the events, use the Crowned coin, this will trigger a scene with Emee and then with tinker. Now we need a Queen Dress.

But before that Emee visit us and invite us to her base. Here we meet Saber

She is the one that can get us the books, after this scene the books should be in the Emee store, so we can finally advance with Anna, but before that let’s finish the

snow white quest.

Get the material and create the Queen dress for snow white, once you have it go to the “magic forest” and use the crowned coin.

After the scene with Tinker, Emee, Snow white and Killer lasers we will be in our base rest for the night. The next day visit snow white, to finally get some action and get the MAIN STORY: WISHING WELL

Ok now let’s go back to Anna, we need to buy the “SEWING FOR IDIOTS II” from Emee like the last time we need to read it at night. Once you finish it, go see Anna and ask her for the “???” in teaching and favors. This makes her ok with striping.

The next day go back to Anna and you will have another “???” go nuts on this one too.

Continue with the favors and lesson until everything is dark pink. When you are ready go for Lesson 2: Novice Sewing.

After some dialogues exchange she will ask you for 14 clothes scraps so be ready with your wallet. Once you have it, give them to her and she will ask you to come the following day.

The dress needs more modification so again come the following day to see it. The following days you visit her but it seems that it is her limit for how slutty the dress can be. She demands to talk with her sister. But Tinker has a plan but it will take some time and we need Emee.

Now go and talk with Emee, she will help you with Anna, so go to the “Snow point” you can ask her about the “???” option, for now don’t choose suck dick we are going to go back to that later.


She will tell you about Emee´s vibrator but she lost it so we need another one, go talk with Emee

She will sell you something… similar. So the following day go back to Anna and ask her to try it.

Go back to your base and wait another day.

Emee will tell you about what she saw when she checked Anna, this is our opportunity to finally do more advanced stuff. So no go back to the “Snow point” as fast as you can and get the first sex Scene.

And to finally get the MAIN STORY QUEST: FULL SCHOOLING and finishing Part 2. This will also be the last quest for Anna so save before if you want to see it again.

Salty01 is probably going to do more stuff with her in later chapters.

CH: 1 PART 3 – Once A Porn A Time Walkthrough & Guide

We start this chapter with Tinker assign us to help Emee with Rosette, So go to her Moon base as soon as you can, after talking with her about the lack of progress with Rosette we are ready to go monster hunting, after some character interactions and a surprise attack we deal with the monster and go back to Tinker after some dialogues and solving Emee´s lack of progress, Tinker will examined the broken drone.

The following day Tinker will tell you what she discovered. Now we need to kill 3 more Red drones, also you can visit Emee and give her the good news. Ok going back to killing drones. It’s the same like coins and cooking books search for the golden “!”

The following days you should just talk to Emee for some interactions and killing red droids.

When we have the three crystals Tinker will talk with us about “AWAKENING THE QUEEN” so the next day go to Emee´s base, It’s Tundra time Round 2.

Thanks to the droids lasers we can enter the blocked door, once inside check the two spooky red lights, after that Emee will turn on the lights

Now check her android arm in the container, it should have a code in it

Now go to the computer on your right and type the code that is in the arm “002105” thanks to that, we find the owner of the arm.

Also Thanks to this we get the CHARACTER QUEST: A QUEEN ON HOLD

The following day Tinker will be nagging us about the alarm, she will also tell us that Emee is missing. We need to find our blue waifu fast. So go to the magic forest but instead of “Snow white” go to the “outpost 05”

Here we will find her fine and safe, along with a new character. Let’s just call her “Intern” for now.

After her backstory is over we need to destroy the android outside so we need red stuff to use it as bait, it’s a good thing that “Intern” has a lot of it, if you choose you can make the new girl strip into panties and bra if you choose the option “I think… it

is not quiet enough” and the following options. After you have your fun let’s blow that android up.

After that Michel Baylish explosion, The Raven looking inter Melissandre joins our merry group as the Android Chief Director. She is nice but I’m more of a Terra guy myself

The next day Tinker will tell us some news, in resume no Elsa for now but we can finally finish our job with Snow White, you can also visit Melissandre in her Lab. It’s the right door next to the teleporter.

We can now go to Snow Whites and get sexy rewards but just for now let’s focus on Melis´ quests first, so go to the lab and visit her.

Click the option “Do you need help” to star, she will need some stuff and clothes so let’s get them some with Emee, go to


I am looking for stuff for Melissandre

Pandorium X-20

She will also tell you that she has the coordinates to get Melis´ Clothes but we need to use the drone. It is the golden “!”, Once everything is ready go see her. Click the option “Did you get the traveling chest” to gain some points with her.

The following day go to Emee´s place to get the Pandorium X-20, and give it to Melissandre, after that you can click the option to talk, get to know her better and learn more about the lore of the game.

Ok now let’s go back to Snow white, go to the “magic forest” and talk with Snow White after some dialogues exchange we need a magic mirror, for that we need the help of Emee or Melissandre, Choose whoever you want, we also need to find a dark cave for that we use the drone again and find the golden “!” .

Here we find a stranger that gives us a key not without giving us a warning about somebody.

After that, search again for another cave and the golden “!” And Go see the person who you ask for help, after talking a bit you will give her the ruby key. And you have to come back the next day

If you choose Emee she will find a Crown to wear in hairstyles and if you choose Melisandre she will find a Raven like Cloak, apart from that there is no difference in who you chose.

trigger this event.

After that go back to snow white, and travel to the cave here we face two options



If you choose MIRROR MIRROR TELL ME you will have a basic Sex Scene, but if you choose wait a minute you can have a Spicier Scene. You can also save see MIRROR MIRROR TELL ME and then load WAIT A MINUTE .

Ok if you choose WAIT A MINUTE, we play an Uno reverse card now she has to prove that she is indeed a princess, get the 04 “princess tiara” it is probably in Characters Chamber in the option Hairstyle creation if you haven’t created it. Once you have it go back to snow white, after some talking we get a nice scene.



The following day Emee will visit you and will give you the “The Princess Red Dress” get the material and create it in the character chamber, it should be ready the next day.

Once you have it go see Snow White, there you will trigger the extra spicy sex scene that I told you about it

Also unlocking the last quest MAIN STORY: PRINCE PRIDE, don’t forget to save before so you can watch it again

With this we have finished Snow White main quest until now.

Now we can start focusing on Sphinx, she appears after you get “Petal ” and send her out for the first time.

After that you just need to send your normal drone in a “Drone expedition” you will find a golden “!” about an Unusual sound frequency.

After talking a little bit with Tink about the incident we should check it out the following day, You will find a new location in the magic forest “??? Weird Music” click on it and we will find a new Character “Sphinx”

She will tell you a Riddle and you have to answer with a Capital letter at the beginning,

to continue the quests of Sphinx

After giving a correct answer she gill give you a Reward, you will get to choose

● I take the credits

● I take the blueprint

● I take one of your clothes

Always Choose “I take the blueprint” or the “I take one of your Clothes’ ‘ . We don’t really need money if we do a dron expedition at the end of the day. Also she gives you one of the best outfits in the game for Tinker and Emee.

Continue visiting her by finding more golden “!” in drones expeditions she will give you the blueprints above, and will continue taking off clothes, after the riddle I have lakes with no water, mountains with no stone and cities with no buildings. What am

At some point She will not have anymore bluepriends and all the other options would be blocked. Only then you should accept the credits, it is only once never again take the credits. After that she will finally agree to the option “How about something a little bit more…. fun?”.

After a Scene with her Two massive… eyes you will get the CHARACTER QUEST:


SPHINX RIDDLES – Once A Porn A Time Walkthrough & Guide

What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the noon, and three legs in the evening?

Answer =“Human”

what’s always coming but never arrives

Answer =“Tomorrow”

We hurt without moving. We poison without touching. We bear the truth and the lies. We are not to be judged by our size

Answer =“Words”

I have lakes with no water, mountains with no stone and cities with no buildings. What am I?

Answer =“Map”

What is so fragile that when you say its name you break it?

Answer =“Silence”

Feed me and i will live but give me a drink and i will die

Answer =“Fire”

If you have me you want to share me. if you share me you haven’t got me.

BOXES ANSWERS – Once A Porn A Time Walkthrough & Guide

PI ( 3 DIGITS)314


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