Oath of Loyalty Walkthrough

Oath of Loyalty Walkthrough

Welcome to Oath of Loyalty Walkthrough, best choices to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.

Chapter I – Oath of Loyalty Walkthrough

Note: This guide will use default names. You will have the choice of racket’s

[Drugs], [Gambling], OR [Both], if I say “If [Drugs], that only counts and drugs not [Both], you will see as the guide progresses.


1. A) Tell her to go fuck herself. You need finish… [Ruth+1] [Angela=0] [V1SubmitReport]

B) Be polite, see where it goes. [Angela=1] [V1SubmitReport]

C) Invite her to sit down, you still have 15… [Angela=2]

Note: If you obtained [V1SubmitReport], then [Leader+1].

Jane Apartment

Note: #2 is only for those who did NOT obtain [Angela=2].

2. A) Fuck yeah! [V1JaneCumin]

B) Nope.

Outside Apartment

3. A) Tell Uncle Paulie to leave him alone. [Ruth-1]

B) Ask to stay and help. [Ruth+1]

C) Do as he says and go.


4. Her face. (Your Choice)

Chapter 2 – Oath of Loyalty Walkthrough


1. A) Be aggressive.[Ruth+1]

B) Be cool.[Leader+1]

2. A) Lie.[Jane+1] [Ruth+1]

B) Tell her the truth.[Jane- 1] [Leader+1]


3. A) Truth: Explain as best you can.[Sofia+1] [Leader+1]

B) Lie: Blacked out.[Sofia-1] [Ruth+1]

4. A) Truth: Don’t know yet.[Sofia+1] [Leader+1]

B) Lie: Absolutely nothing.[Sofia-1] [Ruth+1] [V2SofiaLie]

Dinner Jane

5. A) Explain[Jane+1] [Leader+1]

B) Play dumb.[Jane- 1] [Ruth+1]


6. A) Leave.[Leader+1] {Go to #8}

B) Have a better look.[Ruth+1] [V2BarbPeep=1]

7. A) Leave.

B) Stay and risk getting caught.[Barb- 1] [Ruth+1] [V2BarbPeep=2]


8. Choose All.

Home Jane

9. A) Be honest.[Jane+1] [Leader+1]

B) Lie.[Jane- 1] [Ruth+1]

10. A) Inside Jane.[V1JaneCumin] (yes V1)

B) On Janes ass.


Note: #11 is only for those who obtained [Angela=0].

11. A) Give her your number. [Angela=1] [V2AngelaWasHate]

B) Don’t give her your number.

Chapter 3 – Oath of Loyalty Walkthrough

Sit Down

1. A) I’ll do what needs to be done. Not matter[Ruth+1]

B) I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to this life… [Sofia+1] [Mary+1] [Leader+1]

Strip Club

2. A) Maybe we should hang out when you’re not…[Donna+1] [V3DonnaAskOut]

B) I’ll know where to come if I need cheering…


Saving here is recommended Important: You will get both “Home” and “Home Gym” paths, so whichever one you choose first, go to the next one second and then continue. I have listed “Home” first. But it is your choice. Note: Some options on the second path will not be available.

3. A) Watch T.V.

B) Work out. {Go to #7}

Home Path 1

4. A) I think it’s a bad idea. [Mary-5] [Ruth+1] {Go to #6}

B) I think it’s a great idea. [Mary+3] [Leader+2] [V3MaryConfide]

5. A) Yes, I’d like to hang out with Mary. [Mary+2] [V3MaryShop]

Note: A will only appear is you did NOT obtain [V3SofiaShop]

B) No I’d rather ask Sofia.

Note: B will only appear is you did NOT obtain [V3GymScene]

6. A) Yes, I’d like to hang out with Mary. [Mary+2] [V3MaryShop] Note: A will only appear is you did NOT obtain [V3SofiaShop]

B) No I’d rather ask Sofia.

Note: B will only appear is you did NOT obtain [V3GymScene]

C) I already asked Sofia.

Note: C will only appear is you obtained [V3SofiaShop]

Note: You will obtain [V3TVScene].

Home Gym Path 2

7. A) Yes, I’d like to hang out with Sofia. [Sofia+2] [V3SofiaShop] Note: A will only appear is you did NOT obtain [V3MaryShop]

B) No I’d rather ask Sofia.

Note: B will only appear is you did NOT obtain [V3TVScene]

C) I already asked Sofia.

Note: C will only appear is you obtained [V3MaryShop]

Note: You will obtain [V3GymScene], as mentioned if you chose this path first go to “Home Path 1” then continue to #8.


8. A) No problem. Just heard some rumors that…[Bella- 1] [Ruth+1]

B) No problem. Heard some rumors about you…[Bella+1] [Leader+1]

9. A) Open up to Bella.[Bella+1] [Leader+1] [BellaConfide]

B) Dismiss her.[Bella- 1] [Ruth+1]

Note: If you obtained [Drugs]. {Go to #11}

Dinner Marcy

10. Choose All.


11. A) Keep the conversation friendly.[Angela+1] {Go to #13}

B) Lean in and kiss her.[V3AngSex] [Angela=2]

12. A) Inside her.[V3AngCumIn]

B) On her belly.

C) On her face.

Sal Office

13. A) Be sarcastic.[Ruth+1]

B) Be diplomatic.[Leader+1]

Mary Shop

Note: #14 is only for those who obtained [V3MaryShop].

14. A) Peek on Mary.

B) No.



Note: #15 is only for those who obtained [V3SofiaShop].

15. A) Peek on Sofia.

B) No.

16. A) Yes.

B) No.


Note: Choose All, but B has sub-choices.



[Sofia-5] [Ruth+1]


17. A) Master Bedroom.

B) Bathroom.[Ruth+1] [V3JuliaPeep]



C) Julia’s Room.


o Yes.[Julia+1]

o No.

Julia Bedroom

Note: #18 is only for those who obtained [Julia]>0.

18. A) Yes.[Julia+2] [V3JuliaKiss]

B) No.


Note: #19 is only for those who obtained [Jane]>0.

19. A) Yes.{Go to #22} (Threesome)

B) No.


20. Yes (Your Choice)[V3JaneAnal]

21. A) I love you too Jane.[Jane+1]

B) Good night, baby.


Note: You will obtain [V3Threesome]

22. A) Jane’s face.[Jane+1]

B) Jane’s belly.[Jane+1]

C) Inside Jane.[Jane+1] [V3JaneCumIn]

D) Daniela’s face.

E) Daniela’s belly.

F) Inside Daniela.


Chapter 4 – Oath of Loyalty Walkthrough


1. Keep watching and take more evidence. (Your Choice)

2. A) Be aggressive. [Barb-5] [Ruth+1] [Barbara=0]

Note: A will only appear if [Ruth]>=5.

B) Be Cool. [Barb+1] [Leader+1] [V4BarbCool]


Note: #3 is only for those who did NOT obtain [V3MaryConfide].

3. A) Ask Mary’s advice. [Mary+1] [V4AskMaryAdv]

B) No.

4. Choose All Available.

Note: #5 is only for those who did obtained [Mary] >=-4.

5. A) Go say hi. [Mary+1]

B) Leave her be.

Sit Down

6. Choose All.

Note: If [Gambling], Money =50, [Drugs], Money =100, else Money =150.


Note: #7 is only for those who obtained [V3MaryShop].

7. A) Defend Mary. [Mary+1] [Leader+1] [V4DefendM]

B) Say nothing. [Mary-2] [Ruth+1]

Note: #7 is only for those who did NOT obtain [V3MaryShop].

8. A) Defend Sofia. [Sofia+1] [Leader+1] [V4DefendS]

B) Say nothing. [Sofia-2] [Ruth+1]


9. A) Yes. [Donna+1]

B) No. {Go to #12}

Note: If you obtained [Donna]>=2, then [V4DonnaDance], else {Go to #12}

10. A) No, that’s enough for now. {Go to #12}

B) Yes Please! [Jane-4] [Donna+1] [Angela=2]

11. Your Choice.


12. A) Refuse. [Bella-5] [CtrlG- 1] [CtrlF+1]

B) Accept. [Bella+3] [CtrlT- 1] [CtrlF+1]


Note: #7 is only for those who did NOT obtain [Angela=0].

13. A) Steal it back for you [Angela- 1] [Ruth+1] [V4AngSteal]

B) Try to talk to Sal.

Note: If [Ruth+1] >4 & [Gambling], then [Marcy=2] & [V4MarcyFuck]

Chapter 5 – Oath of Loyalty Walkthrough


1. A) Don’t worry about it.

B) I’ll be right back. [Sofia+1] [V5SofiaStay]

2. Choose all.

Note: If you do not obtain this choice you will obtain [V5MDate]


3. A) Talk to Donna. [Donna+1]

Note: A will only appear if [Donna]>=0.

B) Dismiss her.

Note: #4 is only for those who did NOT obtain [Donna=2].

4. A) Yes. That’s all. Thanks for listening…

B) What did you have in mind?

Your Choice.


[Donna=2] [V5DonnaSex]

Note: If [Jane] >=4 {Go to Jane}

If [Ruth] >5, then [V5JaneAngry=2], [Jane-100] & [Jane=0]

Else [V5JaneAngry=1] & [Jane=0] {Go to Sophie}


Note: #5 is only for those who did NOT obtain [Angela=2], [Marcy=2] OR [Marcy=2].

5. A) Lie to Jane. [Ruth+1] [Leader- 1] [V5LieJane=1]

B) Be honest.

Note: If you did not obtain [Marcy=2] & did NOT obtain [Angela=2] & [Donna=2] (Possible Error)

Then, [Jane-5], [Jane=0], [Ruth-1] [Leader+1]


6. A) Keep looking. [Ruth+1]

B) Don’t look. [Leader+1]

Note: If [Angela=2] {Go to Mary Date}


Note: #7 is only for those who obtained [V4AngSteal].

7. A) Apologize and comfort her. [Angela+1] [V5AngelaComfort=1]

B) Just leave. [Angela-5] [Angela=0] [Ruth+1] [V5AngelaComfort=2]

C) Tell her she’s useless and split. [Angela- 100] [Angela=0] [Ruth+2] [V5AngelaComfort=3]

{Go to Bella Robbery}

Note: If you did not obtain [Angela=0] or the previous choice you obtain [V5AngelaSex]

8. Your choice.

Mary Date

9. A) Yes. [Ruth+1] [V5MaryPeep]

B) No.

Note: If you did not obtain [V4Heist] go to {Go to End Chapter 5}

Bella Robbery

Note: #10 is only for those who obtained [Bella] >=5.

10. A) Accept her invitation.

B) Decline her invitation.

[Bella+1] [V5BellaInvite] [V5BellaSex]

{Go to End Chapter 5}

Chapter 6 – Oath of Loyalty Walkthrough

IMPORTANT: Since points and relationship status are shown in game. I will only be giving the points from choice from here on out, as I’m finding it redundant to list information you already have.


1. A) Adios, … [Ruth+1] [V6DonnaGone]

Note: A will only appear if [Ruth] >=0

B) Try to reason with… [Leader+1]

Note: B will only appear if [Leader] >=10

C) Say nothing and go along…

Note: If [V6DonnaGone] {Go to #3}


Note: #2 is only for those who did NOT obtain [V6DonnaGone].

2. A) Talk to Daniela. [V6TalkDanielaFirst]

B) Talk to Donna.

Note: #3 is only for those who obtained [V6DonnaGone].

3. A) Push her off. [Daniela=1]

B) Ah fuck it. Go for it. [Daniela=2] [V6DanielaFuck]

4. Your choice.


5. A) Demand… apologizes to… [V6PDemandApology]

Note: A will only appear if [Leader] >10

B) Tell them both to shut the fuck up!

Note: B will only appear if [Ruth] >10

C) Stay silent.

Note: If [Ruth] >13, then [V6BellaHard]

Note: #6 is only for those who obtained [Bella] >=5 & [Bella=2].

6. A) Leave.

B) Stay and see what happens.

Breakfast Sofia

7. A) Ask her out. [V6BeachSofia]

B) I’d rather go with… [V6DinnerMary]

Note: B will only appear if [Mary] >=5

Note: If [Mary] <5, then [V6NoMarySpeak] {Go to Sofia Beach Date} Else {Go to Mary Date} Sofia Beach Date

8. A) Be cool. [Leader+1] [Sofia+1]

Note: A will only appear if [Leader] >10

B) Be aggressive. [Ruth+1]

Note: If [Sofia] >8, then [V6SofiaKiss]

{Go to #9}

Mary Dinner Date

Note: If [Mary] >6, then [V6MaryKiss]


9. A) Peek.[Ruth+1]

B) Don’t peek.[Leader+1]

10. A) Peek.[Ruth+1]

B) Don’t peek.[Leader+1]

11. A) Go for it.[V6JuliaBj]

Cum in her mouth.

Don’t cum in her mouth.[Julia+1

B) Don’t do it.

Mario Meet

Note: #12 is only for those who obtained [Ruth] >0.

12. A) Kick him in the head.[Ruth+1] [V6FinalAssKick]

B) Let him go.


13. A) Push her off.[Leader+1]

B) Kiss her like she’s never been kissed before.[Elana+1] [Ruth+1] [V7EmmaKiss]

Chapter 7 – Oath of Loyalty Walkthrough


Note: Choose options available based on class and previous choices.

1. A) Go talk to Bella.

B) Go talk to Marcy. [V7Cops_Recruited]

C) Go talk to Sal. [V7Sal_Recuited]


2. A) Talk to Donna. [Donna+1] [Leader+1]

B) Dismiss her.

3. A) Get Physical. [Donna+1] [Bella=2] [V7JaneFaithFull] [V7DondThreesome]

B) Thank her and dismiss her. {Go to #5}

4. Your choice.


Note: If [V6SofiaKiss] & [Sofia] >=8, then [V7SofiaKissed] & [V7ElenaSawKiss]

5. A) Accept. [Elena+1] [Elena=2] [V7ElenaBJ] [V7JaneFaithFull]

B) Decline. [Elena- 1] [Leader+1]


Note: #6 is only for those who obtained [V6MaryKiss].

6. A) Talk to Mary. [Mary+1] [Leader+1] [V7MarySpoke]

B) Don’t talk to Mary. [Mary- 1]


Note: #7 is only for those who NOT obtain [Barb=0] else [V7BarbRuthless].

7. A) Console her and…[Barb+3] [Barb=2] [Ruth+1] [V7BarbSex] [V7JaneFaithFull]

B) Offer alternative. [Barb+1] [V7BarbaraTaGigolo]

Note: If [Ruth] > 15 [V7BarbRuthlessPlus]

8. Your choice.

Chapter 8 – Oath of Loyalty Walkthrough

1. A) What? Where is she?

B) So? Hope she had a nice trip. [Ruth+1] [V8JaneGoneForever] [V8JaneGoneForever2]

2. A) Convince her to do it. [Jane=2]

B) Let her go. [V8JaneGoneForever]

3. Well, there is one thing I can think of.

4. Your choice.

Chapter 9 – Oath of Loyalty Walkthrough

Note: Based on a number of previous choices with Jane, you may obtain [V9JaneFaithFull], mostly if you chose B on #7 in chapter 7, but your relation meter has to be over 100 as well.

1. A) Talk with Mary. [V9TalkWithMary]

B) Don’t talk with Mary. [Barb- 1] {Go to #3}

2. Choose what you can, certain options may not be available based on previous choices.

Note: If you obtain [VSofiaKissed] & [Sofia] >=11, then [V9SofiaKissed].

3. A) Accept. [Elena+2] [Emma=2] [V9JaneFaithFull]


B) Decline. {Go to #5}

4. If you choose “All over” or “Insider Her” then [V9TalkWithMary].

5. Choose all.

Note: #6 is only for those who obtained [Emma=2], [V6JuliaBj] OR [Elena] >9.

6. A) Go see Julia. [V9HadSexJulia]

Your choice.

B) Go to sleep.

Note: You may obtain [V9BandmHadSex] OR [V9BarbaraSex], based on previous choices.

Chapter 10 – Oath of Loyalty Walkthrough

Note: Based on your previous choices with Bella you will or will not obtain this choice.

1. A) Lean in and kiss her. [V10BellaSex]

B) Leave. {Go to End Chapter 10}

2. Your choice

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