Welcome to Pray Game Walkthrough & Guide, which helps you to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters.
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RJ266116 – Pray Game Walkthrough & Guide
- if choice day limited, 1st really limit is 80th day, a lot is event day only
- if want GoR, better sell all ジャリングミズト
- D key can teleport to map
- if 行動力 ≦ 0, in fight will down status
- if sleep 行動力 +20 (if get item will up), if go hot spring 行動力 +10
- if don’t want heroine get catch, use Sスキル > スタンエフェクト
- day 10, 20, 30 ETC, heroine will ATK up but other status down
- when LIMIT 5, hscene room upper talk to sheep open all hscene
- gathering point can get metal or water, success or not also can up 採取力, higher can easy get better item
- if Corot (コロット), Karen (カレン) or Sai (サイ) story get bad end, skip Road to Gorsch (ゴルシュへの道) to 80th day will go to other ending, can reset 3 story
- has quest need virgin + LIMIT 2
Start and Tutorial – Pray Game Walkthrough & Guide
- start choice, 1st easy climax, 2nd easy pregnancy, 3rd easy up EROS, 4th easy pick up, 5th all
- 2nd choice is had day limited or not
- 3rd choice is see tutorial or not
- is see tutorial, choice orb is whatever?
- better 2 side get 6 magic
- left to inn’s 2F, talk to Dina (ディーナ), choice グリムシナリオ進行
Center Area + Karen (カレン) Story + Dina (ディーナ) Story + Grimm (グリム) story
- QUEST : middle talk to aged can get quest, go market that in east area, shop buy マスターパウダー to her
- outside weapon shop, talk to girl can use $1500 buy equip
- lower right synthetic shop has back door
, if give 神花の若木 to witch can get star
- LIMIT 1 and get skill, room can onanism
- when up to LIMIT 2, if don’t want lost virgin get 2nd choice
- LIMIT 2 and get skill, room can use adult toy for onanism (adult toy can buy in Jornia (ヨルニア) shop or stop in underground)
restaurant – Pray Game Walkthrough & Guide
- talk to manager, talk to him get 3rd choice can get work
- If talk to manager get 2nd choice can up status/day
- If LIMIT 1, work more 2 times can get swimming suit
- if clear forest quest? underground has man can reset skill (1st choice) and down aphrodisiac (催淫) lvl
Karen (カレン) Story – Pray Game Walkthrough & Guide
center area, item shop talk to Karen (カレン), choice 3rd 世間話 can go to beach (フーラビーチ)
- choice 2nd カレンシナリオ進行 to side story can get earth magic tree
- 2nd side story need clear Jornia (ヨルニア) 1st story
- 3rd side story is east area talk to man who in left of hot spring, west noble area talk to man who in upper of park, underground area talk to man who near restaurant, then choice 4 times カレンシナリオ進行
- 4th side story is noble area, near massage shop has event, then shop talk to Karen (カレン) choice カレンシナリオ進行, if get 1st choice for her bad end H (can reset after 80th day), if 2nd choice go Jornia’s shop talk to Jornia (1st choice), then beach north area has fight, back to shop talk to Karen and choice story again has fight
Grimm (グリム) story, all story has fight, if low in 行動力 is very danger
- inn 2F talk to Dina, choice グリムシナリオ進行 for story
- 2nd side story need clear Jornia (ヨルニア) 1st story
- 3rd side story need clear Dina 2nd story + thief hideout clear
- 4th side story need clear Dina 3rd story
Dina (ディーナ) Story – Pray Game Walkthrough & Guide
- inn 2F talk to ディーナ, get 1st choice talk to her (need after Karen 1st story), then can choice 3rd ディーナシナリオ進行 can get dark magic tree
- 2nd story need lvl 12+, after event talk to her can get new weapon
- 3rd story need after clear Grimm (グリム) story 3, after event talk to her can get new weapon
- 4th story need other all story to 4
North area + Corot (コロット) 1st story
- lower right talk to man who fall down, better don’t talk to him again until LIMIT 3, talk to 2 woman who near him (for hidden boss in see of trees)
- upper left is training center, each training need 10 行動力 and $100/day, each training can get 20 times item. If before last training talk to man in left and choice 上級者向け, if success can get 21 times item (new version maybe change to 21, so max is 22)
- QUEST : if clear forest quest? training center talk to soldier in upper right can get quest, center area’s synthetic shop make グッスリ―ナ to him, 5 day later talk to him again can get reward
- left talk to Corot (コロット), choice 2nd コロットシナリオ進行 can get wind magic tree
- LIMIT 4, talk to man near south exit has H
East area + Sai (サイ) Story + Jornia (ヨルニア) Story
- man in Jornia shop right, talk to him get 2nd choice has H (Hscene same as north area, man in right of big building)
New home (has man standing outside)
- if get $1200 can hire house, sleep has H, next H is LIMIT 3-4
- better in LIMIT 3 and get skill, talk to man (2nd choice) in town center area lower right (possible need 淫花の苗 [better use + or EX] for grow plant), + talk to man (2nd choice) in synthetic shop near back door entrance, + man (2nd choice) in massage house, + man (2nd choice) walking around in underground middle area, then they will move to new home, this 4 guy for make item or massage, if chef need buy food [回復、食材] from market then talk to him get 3rd choice then 1st one for store foods
- town north, talk to man in lower right then he will live in home (if he is 1st guy who move to home, u need pay $ to him for other guy…)
- if has man live in home, owner need heroine pay 200k buy it in 20day, after 20 day better pay it or some flag maybe lost
- if sleep has 5th hscene
- if get 5 man, noble area can buy new home in upper left, need 1M, in this house can make best item or equip
- LIMIT 4 + skill has 6P, if pregnancy can go END D (need sleep a lot) and get equip
Sai (サイ) Story – Pray Game Walkthrough & Guide
- enter Jornia’s shop will get light magic tree
- 2nd story need 善行値 ≧10, talk to Sai choice 2nd サイシナリオ進行
- 3rd story need lvl 30+, 善行値 30+, clear sub-quest (依頼達成數) 5+
- 4th story need clear all Jornia (ヨルニア) story, clear sub-quest (依頼達成數) 8+, 善行値 50+. If get 1st choice, go to underground restaurant, in staff room talk to bunny girl in lower left, then go sea of trees, pond area go upper has circle can click, then upper pass hidden road to north area, then go east (near hidden road) can find her and has fight. If get 2nd choice, underground restaurant, staff room talk to bunny girl in lower left, then brothel talk to bunny girl who near pillar has H
Jornia (ヨルニア) Story, all story has fight
- if talk to her, get 3rd choice can buy item, 少女♡シャンプー for hidden boss in sea of trees, and selling adult toy
- if talk to her, get 4th choice can remove black heart status, but some need ウームリペア (can make in synthetic shop)
- if LIMIT 4, talk to Jornia, then can work in underground brothel (left of restaurant)
- talk to her, choice 2nd ヨルニアシナリオ進行 to side story, can get water magic tree, after story get 1st choice for talk to her can get passport, passport for west noble area and underground
- 2nd story need clear Grimm (グリム) 2nd story
- 3rd story need rest in room (the choice need use 1 行動力), see 3 times dream (need clear thief hideout), then talk to her (2nd choice), go synthetic shop make ホライゾンリッグ then report to her (2nd choice
- 4th is talk to her and get 2nd choice
Hot spring (in upper right)
- go hot spring can recover 10 行動力
- if LIMIT 1 can choice one time 混浴, LIMIT 3 can choice 混浴 every day, last is LIMIT 4-5 + skill, choice 混浴 can go male side
- QUEST : after forest quest, choice 話す talk to counter can get quest, enter female side then hot spring outside can click wall, go underground lower right click wall has fight, after quest has npc in underground can make final weapon
- left circle for auto to hot spring/day, 1st is go female side, 2nd to 混浴, 3rd to male side, last is cancel
NE area (heroine’s heart)
- 回想 : to hscene room
- パンチ適用 : if change new version, better click it
- 戦闘エロについて : can get equip for magic device (partner), 強大な性魔の誘因者 for dungeon pop strong H attack enemy, 少女反応の透視者 for enemy change to half transparent if he cover heroine face, other is H-attack to what part of body
- 設定 : 1st choice is upper left window on or off, 2nd is change to no day limit, 3rd is ejaculation has anime or not
- 難易度 : can change game lvl, 1st is easy, 2nd is normal, 3rd is hard
- 描写制限 : 1st is all NG, 2nd is grotesque on, 3rd is birth on, 4th is both on
Beach (フーラビーチ) – Pray Game Walkthrough & Guide
- north area, click boat can get $
- if dress swimming suit can go south area, LIMIT 2 talk to man in middle has H, next is LIMIT 4-5
- LIMIT 4, talk to man who near entrance has H
- LIMIT 5, south area, lower right talk to lady can nude
Forest (グリエフ森林) – Pray Game Walkthrough & Guide
- goblin has GoR, has LIMIT 0-2, 3-4 and 5 three type
- from start go north, then go NEN (hidden road) has hidden boss, fight to it again can get power up item but very hard
- get 5 quest item, last one need go NW vs 3 goblin
- if get 5 quest item, item shop report to Karen (カレン), choice 4th 進捗報告
- lower right synthetic shop, make 高純度幻水晶, then report to Karen, after report can go to Sea of Trees (ノエト樹海)
Wilderness (コフト荒野) + Corot (コロット) story 2A
- 5th day can go to wilderness
- in wilderness, defeat 1 golem +1 善行値, max 20
- from start area go right has hidden road to another east area
- town’s north area talk to Corot (コロット)
- east area has shining ground, click it Corot will come there, then around 2 rock as same as 8 has sound
, then talk to Corot has fight
- after quest go north area talk to Corot for story 2B
Sea of Trees (ノエト樹海) + Corot (コロット) story 2B
- tentacle has GoR, has LIMIT 0-2, 3-4 and 5 three type
- if step tentacle’s liquid 5 times, then back to town has H
- 2nd area is crossroad, go east has pond and wind stone (upper has hidden road to north area), wind stone NW has hidden room
, hidden room talk to Corot (コロット) has fight (or enter 205 and 5), after fight can up wind magic lvl
- crossroad to north, west has hidden road
, this area go north is very danger, better from crossroad go west
- near NW, if get 少女♡シャンプー (can buy in Jornia’s shop) click circle has hidden boss, fight to it again can get power up item but very hard
- deep vs boss, then move to exit vs thief, if lose (if thief HP down to half? = auto lose) need back to boss room get quest item again
- back to town, go item shop report to Karen (カレン), choice 4th 進捗報告
- north area talk to Corot, get 2nd choice コロットシナリオ進行 for start story 3
West Noble Area (need passport from Jornia and Sai (サイ) Story 2)
- QUEST : 1st house outside talk to man need virgin + LIMIT 2, then go to forest, 1st area go west has new road, in new area need get jump 2 for near unicorn, then noble area talk to man again can make new equip (if lost virgin can’t make), if room’s table shining, can go forest meet unicorn again, if lost virgin it will attack heroine
- 2nd house is massage shop, talk to counter 2 times can massage, 2nd choice need LIMIT 3-4, 3rd choice need LIMIT 4-5
- QUEST : massage shop talk to magic can get quest, go thief hideout’s treasure room get tentacle to her, if LIMIT 4 and get skill, can get seed from her
- star shop for get item if get more star
- left has park, lower talk to man has H, next H is LIMIT 4-5
- (this quest is END A flag) upper left talk to man get 1st choice can get quest then talk to him again, to forest east gathering point (need man in upper right), use 5 行動力 for 4 stone, get them then report to him. Tomorrow go noble area talk to him again, then go north area’s training center, training 1 times then report to him. Tomorrow go noble area talk to him again and again, then go sea of trees, pond and wind stone area, in gathering point use 4 行動力 for 4 water, get them then report to him
Underground (need passport from Jornia)
- restaurant talk to manager then inside talk to bunny girl can get work (need wear 給仕服), LIMIT 3-5 can get bunny clothes for work
- LIMIT 4, need talk to Jornia’s shop talk to Jornia, then can work in underground brothel, if talk to manager get 2nd choice, then tomorrow come again has different H
- QUEST : 2nd middle area, shop talk to soldier can go thief hideout, shop talk to manager (2nd choice) can get quest, need ローパーエキス x5, 天使の水 x3, 上活力草 x10, if done shop has more item for sale
- QUEST : upper market talk to man in right can get quest, go to house that in underground middle area has fight (GoR), if lose maybe need sex few day for move out
- north area, click hole has H, next H is LIMIT 4-5
- west tent area, in road talk to man, get 1st choice has fight (GoR), next H is LIMIT 4-5
- (this quest is END A flag) tent area talk to man can get quest, buy a lot foods [回復、食材] from market to him, 5 day later give him foods again, 5 day later give foods to him again, 5 day later give foods to him again can finish quest
- QUEST : west tunnel talk to man can get quest, go synthetic shop make アナホール (2 item can buy from Karen [カレン]), after quest can get hidden base in map, if get seed from quest (witch in massage shop) can grow plant, need semen 精液 for grow
- LIMIT 4 can go house in tent area, play maze game
Ice area (セファール雪原) + 2 quest + Corot (コロット) story 3
- 20th day can go there
- north to cave, then east to waterfall, waterfall has hidden road
- after Corot (コロット) come here (if not need back to town talk to her), choice 4 different place then click cat statue has fight
- north has event
Quest, some item for quest must get in ice area :
- weapon shop talk to left manager (2nd choice), go synthetic shop make 強鋼性魔金床 to him can make new weapon
- synthetic shop talk to left manager (2nd choice), make クリスタルポット to her can make new item
Thief Hideout (バフマット盗賊のアジト)
- thief has GoR, has LIMIT 0-2, 3-4 and 5 three type
- 1st area go east, click sleeping thief can get treasure room key
- 1st area go SWS, get item that near sleeping thief, click notes then click wall that nearby will vs strong thief
- west has treasure room, open door need key and defeat 4 group enemy that nearby
- when move out vs thief again
- item shop report to Karen (カレン), choice 4th 進捗報告
- inn 2F talk to Dina (ディーナ), choice グリムシナリオ進行
- inn 2F, click bed get 2nd choice for rest in room has dream, rest 3 times for 3 dream
Canyon (グリッヂ峽谷)
- orc has GoR, has LIMIT 0-2, 3-4 and 5 three type
- orc hideout upper left has shining item (if 採取力 over 300, gathering point can choice get level of metal, forget water one get in where…)
- defeat blue orc that near pond, cave defeat red orc, then near flame vs both orc
- deep vs boss and get quest item
- item shop report to Karen (カレン), choice 4th 進捗報告
- inn 2F talk to Dina (ディーナ), choice グリムシナリオ進行
- if nothing to do, inn 2F click bed choice 日数イベントまでスキップ or sleep to 60th day
60th day + wetland (ゲニ―湿原) + Corot (コロット) story 4
- inn 2F, click bed get 2nd choice for rest in room has dream, rest 3 times for 3 dream (need total 6 dream for END A flag)
- town north talk to Corot (コロット) can go to wetland
- QUEST : synthetic shop outside talk to man can get quest, go wetland 4th area (south of big tree), lower right find cat to him
- QUEST : talk to weapon shop manager again can get 2nd quest, go synthetic shop make 極鋼性魔金床 to him can make new weapon
- to wetland start go north, talk to コロット, then upper click grass
- talk to her again, 1st choice for clear all story, 2nd choice for bad end H
- big tree area has boss, for item only
- need clear all 6 story, if back to town center area meet Corot, back to room get 2nd choice for rest (END A flag)
- 善行値 over 100?, back to inn manager will talk to heroine, room has box can get item/day (END A flag)
- item shop report to Karen (カレン), choice 4th 進捗報告, can go to Road to Gorsch (ゴルシュへの道)
About Pregnancy – Pray Game Walkthrough & Guide
- if pregnancy, inn 2F click bed choice 日数イベントまでスキップ (need Dina don’t know about this) to END E
- if pregnancy, sleep in inn 2F will talk to Dina. If get 1st choice, choice 日数イベントまでスキップ or sleep a lot to END E+. If get 2nd choice will go to fetal crystal storage (胎児結晶保管所), can storage 3 fetal
Road to Gorsch (ゴルシュへの道)
- NW small temple outside has strong enemy
- vs 2 enemy then vs patriarch
- when back to town has choice, get 1st one will vs thief (END A flag, if no choice cant go to END A)
- item shop report to Karen (カレン), choice 4th 進捗報告
- if nothing to do, inn 2F click bed choice 日数イベントまでスキップ or sleep to 80th day
80th day :
- to canyon (グリッヂ峽谷), outside orc hideout click event, then inside has event
- jail talk to guard, if click magic device can move out, go to upper right help maid, if don’t click, sleep 5 times can move to to upper right room watch maid H, sleep until born baby can restart event
- now can go Giant Demon (巨大人魔), maybe need LIMIT 2+ for enter, this map for collect item to make final weapon and other equip
- tentacle has GoR, LIMIT 2-3, 4-5 two type
- END C : if 100 day, any END A flag not enough will go this ending
- if nothing to do, inn 2F click bed choice 日数イベントまでスキップ or sleep to 100th day
100th day
- start get new magic tree
- if don’t want status down better wait tomorrow, go new area Headquarter of Church (ポモーナ教会本部)
- defeat all big golem
- deep vs boss
- event in north area first, then restaurant, noble area park, underground restaurant, underground tent area, final is middle of center area
- in vote has fight, heroine keep got sex attack to END B (use GoR skill is NG)
- 2 more fight then vs find boss
Stars (total 34) – Pray Game Walkthrough & Guide
- town center area, upper left
- town center area, pub underground
- town center area, synthetic shop
- town north area, lower right
- town north area, training center
- town east area, market
- town west area, park
- town west area, new house
- town underground, west area, back of upper left tent
- town underground, after hot spring quest
- Fetal crystal storage lower left
- Beach north area, need jump 2
- Beach south area, upper right
- Forest, 1st area go north, behind tree that in upper
- Forest boss area, left
- Wilderness 8 area. lower
- Wilderness hidden area
- Sea of Trees crossroad area, behind tree that in left
- Sea of Trees, boss area go south, lower left pass hidden road
- ice area, 1st area right
- Ice area, pass cave to north, upper left
- Thief hideout, treasure room, behind chair
- Thief hideout, west of treasure room, upper left
- Canyon, cave has red orc
- Canyon, boss area lower left, need jump 2
- Wetland, NE area, need jump 2
- Wetland, north big tree area, near upper
- Road to Gorsch, area has small temple, lower left
- Giant Demon, the room for GoR, near middle
- Giant Demon, boss room lower
- hidden base (need clear quest in underground tunnel)
- Headquarter of church, SW area
- Headquarter of church. SE area has hole to jail area, in upper left
- Headquarter of church, final area