a town uncovered

A Town Uncovered Walkthrough v0.42b

Welcome to A Town Uncovered Walkthrough, Best choices to unlock all the events and scenes with all the available characters. And Cheat codes.

Game Version: v0.42b

General Information – A Town Uncovered Walkthrough

Cheat codes, Assorted links and tidbits

-0.30c = pumpkinsplice
-0.31A = carrymaria
-0.32b = barelybear
-0.33b = gooptruckin

-0.34a = stickmentos
-0.35b = hellsfired
-0.36a = tookfirst
-0.37a = wrapitup

-0.38b = diditmove
-0.39a =sourjournal
-0.40a = weirditems
-0.41b = shovelshow

-0.42a = breadsDs

-0.43b = speedskate

-Don’t shy away from the cheat code. There is a lot of grind in the game. It does space out the other content in a positive way, but it can easily be skipped if you are in a hurry. If you cheat, you may need to pass time by sleeping through several days between segments, though,

– Scenes are typically added without complete art first, which is then added over the next few updates. Seeing incomplete assets means a route it nearly over. Also, sex scenes are often added before the story reaches that far and can just be triggered whenever you want.

How Much Content Is There? What kind of content?

– Steam reviews indicated ~10 hours of play time without the Lashley route, probably a bit more now.
– As of Sept 2021, the game was approximately halfway done when compared to Geeseki’s old plans.
– Four character routes feel complete. (Mom, Sis, Teacher, Principal)
– The MomxSis route seems complete but still has some placeholder art and is (for some) broken. (See section 5)
– The sex world is mostly a background force/nemesis for the plot so far. Don’t expect much direct interaction with it. (There is also still no dialogue for the Threegans at the mall
– The main story is lengthy but mostly dialogue. Basically, it’s 1) Meeting every single character. 2) Wandering around the sex world. 3) Asking everyone if anyone knows wtf is going on. 4) The very beginning of working at the company that seems to be behind everything.


This is a heavily debated topic. Tl;dr: There is a lot of borderline stuff, so here are what I consider the notable examples:
PLEASE NOTE: These are nearly all the examples concentrated together. Reading this list may give the impression that these things are much more common than they are in the game.

– It is implied that sex is extremely casual in the sex world (duh). Consequently, every character’s sex world counterpart is assumed to have casual sex.
– In the sex world, the MC encounters one of his acquaintences having sex. Not knowing about the sex world, he is upset because “she deserves better”.
– The beach: (SPOILER!) The beach is a sex-world adjacent area. It is not entirely clear if the characters there are sex-world counterparts or not. The sister can be found giving a blowjob at the local gloryhole, for example.
– Effie is a slut. Heavy lesbian experience is referenced. Both the MC’s sister and his teacher are her sex friends. (There’s also a threesome scene between MC, her and someone else.)
– At one point, the sister implies being experienced. However, no male lovers are mentioned or seen aside from the beach glory hole scene.
– The mother is a flawed character who becomes emotionally abusive when she feels hurt. As part of the Mom route, the dad is shown as sexually and physically abusive. You walk in on the parents having sex, with Mrs Smith not seeming too into it. When MC sees this, his mom talks to him and humiliates him for not being man enough to satisfy her instead of the father. With high enough stats, you can then “man up”, beat up the father and bed the mother. The Mom apologizes later.
– There is some teasing / mild humiliation stuff / being ignored in dialogue (mostly with sister/mom, mixes with sibling teasing, the MC also playfully insults her).
– There used to be one actual NTR scene on the teacher route. It was deleted and is now explicitly denied to happen in the game. (If you piss of Edward by not accepting his proposal after you beat him up, he will blackmail the teacher into doing favours. If you encounter implied sexual favours in 30c or later, please tell me since I only vaguely remember finding it.)

The Main Story – A Town Uncovered Walkthrough

1) Meet everyone in this list. Your main story goal should change after you have done this.
2) Wait some days. At some point, you should get a text message if it is night and you try to sleep in your bed. Does not work if you go to sleep before night or if you spend the night somewhere other than your bed.
3) There is currently no way to visit the sex world a second time.
4) After returning from the sex world, you need to talk to everyone again.
5) The main story currently ends shortly after the first day at work.

BUG: After returning, the “Go to the dining room for dinner” hint appears prematurely. Before doing that you still need to talk to people. In my case it was:

Violetta (beach)
Effie (cafe)
buff girl (school entrance)
Luna (classroom)
Edward (school entrance)
Then I went to class and finally got the message that I have “enough info” and should return home.

Every Character And Where To Find Them

Mom, Jane, Dad, Jacob, Effi, Allaway, Lashley, Jack should all be automatic.
Dorothea: Not required for main story. Automatic during Lashley route.

Jacob’s dad, Lailah: To the left of Effie’s house.
– – Lailah may not always appear. She can be found in the afternoon. She might also appear in the morning on the weekend.
– – WARNING: Lailah doesn’t always unlock from meeting her, so you may need to talk to her several times!

Effie’s dad = House on the top right of the map. Only there on weekend?
Janae, Alanna and Grundle Sam work at the mall.
Brock = Need to see at fight club (gym at night) first. Then talk to him at the Cafe.
Violetta = beach


Meghan, Chieghan, Teghan = Female bathroom in the morning (Bonus Meghan scene Friday afternoon)
Edward = In front of school + beach at night
Cole = school cafeteria (morning)
Zariah = downstairs school hallway (afternoon) ← Required for nightclub
Jaiden = gym (morning)
Luna = upstairs school hallway (morning) or classroom (afternoon)
Phil = male bathroom (morning)
Coach Fistem = gym (night)

Street to the south:

Hitomi + three gamers = comic shop. (Bonus Hitomi scene at the beach on Saturdays)
Hazel = sex shop besides comic book store
Steve = nightclub besides sex shop (night) ← Get Zariah first.

Various routes (Lashley, Hitomi, Allaway, Effie, Jane) – A Town Uncovered Walkthrough

Hitomi has a task (Meet Hitomi), but no route. Talking to her does nothing. You can invite her over for sex if you have a good relationship with her, though.
Effie does not have a proper route, but she is part of the routes of some other characters and the main story.


Most of her route seems to work well and is obvious. Of note:
– Her route is extremely linear.
– If you refuse to help Jack in exchange for him to stop blackmailing Allaway, there used to be some NTR elements but these were removed.
– How far you go with her in the car (i.e. which blackmail material Jack logically had) did not seem to matter as of v0.28. This probably hasn’t changed.


– Her route is said to be technically complete in v0.36a but at least one church scene and the very last scene do not work.
– If you are stuck, try walking around the school at different times over a few days. This has always unstuck it for me. (Just following the hint was not always reliable.)
– As of v0.36a, there are some sex scenes, but they are not yet all complete.
– In v036a, “An Exception Occured” errors are trigger several times. Clicking “ignore” lets you continue.
– In v0.36a, the hint system constantly displays wrong hints in addition to the correct hint. Only the part of the hint that changes every step is the real hint.


– 20 questions: There’s a guide linked in the OP of this thread.
– “Buy your sister’s love in her bedroom”: Watch her camshow on Wednesday afternoon. Donate enough money for her to say your screen name.
– – IF STUCK: Try raising your affection points if it doesn’t trigger. If that doesn’t work, skip one chapter on the computer.
– Entering the basement: Learn lockpicking on the MC’s computer.

Mrs Smith’s route – A Town Uncovered Walkthrough

Fixing the Computer:
1) Click the laptop lying on the mother’s bed.
2) Buy the antivirus CD at the mall.
3) Use your computer to visit foridiots.com and click “How to cure a computer of its viruses” (You also need this for the open the basement door goal later on.)
4) Click the laptop again.

Meeting Mom Every Afternoon:
This task is supposed to be impossible. You need to miss one afternoon to continue both the Mom and the Mom+Sis side quest lines. This will trigger a scene wherein you walk on your parents having sex the next time you enter the living room in the afternoon, but there are several possible outcomes.

a) You leave them alone, they continue having sex.
b) You go down a second time and beat up the father (requires high enough stats). Everyone goes to bed unsatisfied
c) The mother sleeps with you that night. (Requires beating the father like b, but also having a high affection with the mother. )

For c)
1) Have 10 affection before the event + high stats before the event.
2) Choose the right dialogue options to only lose 1 affection per question instead of 3.
Alternatively, cheat to bring your affection back up before going down the second time. (I recommend this one.)

The Mom x Sis route – A Town Uncovered Walkthrough

The route has been broken so long that I’ve just extracted the hints and requirements which the phone is supposed to tell you. It has been broken for the last 8 versions by now (v0.30 till v0.37).

First number is the Mom&Sis chapter. Mom/Sis numbers denote the minimum of how far along you need to be on their routes. Dates are either the precise date of the month it triggers or the minimum date of the month it needs to be. Not sure.

You can check the date on the calendar in the MC’s room.
You can check your current chapter on the computer in the MC’s room.

The start of the route may be broken. If it doesn’t start automatically, you may need to manually set it to 1 manually using the PC in John’s room.

0: (Not defined)
1: “Check out the living room at night on Friday” Requirements: Mom 1, Sis 5
2: “Head to bed.”
2.5: “Head out into the Hallway”
3: “Head to your parents room at night” Requirements: Mom 3, Sis: 11
4: “Head out into the Hallway the next day”
5: “Head to the bathroom” Requirements: Mom 17.5, Sis: 18, Time: Date 12 (of the month)
6: “Head to bed at Night”
7: “Wake up in the morning”
7: “Head to your bedroom at night” (Yes, 7 appears twice)
8: “Go down to the kitchen for breakfast” Requirements: Mom 22, Sis 22, Date 18 (May mean after day 18? I triggered it on day 19)
9: “See what’s up in the basement” Requirements: Mom 24, Sis 34
9.1: “Leave the basement”
10: “Go to your bedroom in the evening”
11: “Go to sleep” Reqirement: Wednesday
12: “Head out into the Hallway”
13: “Join the girls in Mom’s bedroom at night”
Anything else: “This is the end of this story line. Thank you for enjoy them!”

Old Stuff

In versions 0.30 and 0.31 this route is bugged. The hint system doesn’t always work or gives useless hint. The map is occasionally locked without unlocking again or the route is plain stuck because actions are not recognized by the game. Edit: Also bugged in 0.32. Edit2: Slightly less bugged in 0.33. Edit3: Still bugged in 0.34. Less so in 0.35 according to other users.

I’ve compiled which actions advanced the routes at which chapter for me (and which chapters didn’t work). Unlocking the map can be done with a button below the skill menu. Skipping a chapter can be done through the “timetravel.exe” button on John’s computer. No guarantee that it will be broken in the same way for you.

You will need to complete the individual Jane and Mrs Smith routes before you can complete this one. You may need to sleep a few days in between chapters, but never significantly more than a week.

Make sure to file detailed bug reports so Geeseki knows what to fix!

1) Living room (Friday night)
2) “Head to bed”(stuck and map locked, waking up automatically locks the map again.) Skip by 1

2.5) In version 0.32, going to sleep sends to chapter 2.5, where you are then stuck. Warning: Using timemachine.exe will send you to 3.5, which does not exist. Instead, use timemachine.exe before going to sleep, which advances the route from 2→3. (Or manually set the route to chapter 3 if you have cheats enabled.) Edit2: Fixed in 0.33.

3) Parents’ bedroom (night)
4) Hint stuck at “head into the hallway” Skip by 1.
5) After napping and sleeping a few days: Bathroom (triggered Monday morning).
6) Head to bed at night.
7) Wake up in the morning
8) No hint by hint system. Triggered several days after completing the Jane route on a Thursday or Friday (kitchen morning)
9) Enter and then leave the cellar. (locks map)
10) Bedroom (evening)
11) Go to bed. Stuck instead. Skip by 1. (Should trigger scene upon waking up if it works.)
12) Hint “head out into the hallway”. Couldn’t trigger anything. Skip by 1.
13) Parents’ bedroom (night)
14) Doesn’t exist? (The game automatically skipped from 13 to 15, no extra input necessary.)
15) No hint. End of route?

I’m stuck on a route – A Town Uncovered Walkthrough

Some of the routes require waiting a few days even if they don’t say so.
Sometimes, the times mentioned in the hint are imprecise. For example, the hint may say “on a weekday”, but the event only triggers on one specific day.

How to unlock the gallery – A Town Uncovered Walkthrough

Unlock the (incomplete) gallery:
1) Talk to Edward about Virtual Reality. (In front of school; not available during the main story quest that involves Edward.)
2) Purchase the VR Headset in the mall.
3) Talk to Edward again, wait a few days, talk to him again.
4) Click the chest under the window in the bedroom. (Exit the chest by clicking the edge of the chest.)
4) Click the VR Headset.

As of 30c, many scenes not featured in the gallery are repeatable by talking to people.
As of v0.38, the the above Edward route exists. The gallery is still very incomplete.
The gallery on the computer does not work.

Scene Guide – A Town Uncovered Walkthrough

Repeatable Scenes

-school: Enter female bathroom on Friday.
– Mall: Work a double shift on Saturday. (May work on Mondays and some other days.)
– Beach: Change out of clothes on Saturday.
– Go jogging (rare random encounter?).
– Beach: Find Violetta in the changing room at night.
– Beach: Drunk girl at beach at night. (random chance) (requires luck of ~14 to “get lucky”.)
– Beach: glory hole encounters are: Nurse Holly, Drunk Girl, Violetta, Effi, Jane, Lillian, Allaway
— (There is a Mrs. Smith encounter, but it may require having advanced her route far enough.)

– Home: Enter shower with Jane.
– School: Ask Principal Lashley to have fun after completing most of her route.

Post-route or late-route scenes

-After Allaway route: Ask Effie at the Cafe for some fun on a Saturday. Wait for Effie at her house instead of going there at night. (Threesome)
– You can invite Allaway to your home after completing her route.
-Jane: Join her in the shower when spying on her in the bathroom.
– Mc x Jane eating Effie out (H-scene, talk to Jane in the morning on a weekend)
– Lashley: Enter kitchen if day = 6 and date of month >= 21. (According to dev, 0 = Monday. Therefore, 6 = Sunday)

Alternative Scenes or avoidable scenes

– Sexworld: Complain about pain, swelling, lack of sex to the nurse.
– Beat up father and take mother to John’s room after walking in on them. (Requires high stats, high relationship when going downstairs again.)
– After returning home and worrying Mrs Smith, she shows herself in the hallway. (Requires high relationship/maybe having completed her route)
– During the movie night with Jane and Mrs Smith, there are different outcomes depending on whether you have enough relationship points with one or both of them. (Mrs Smith scene, Jane scene, threesome scene)

Floating Scenes

There are patreon voted scenes which are not (yet) integrated into the story. They can be triggered by talking to the characters if you have enough relationship points:
– Ask Violetta to sit on lifeguard chair. (beach)
– Invite Hitomi home. (comic book store)
– Talk to Officer Mina. (police station)
– Talk to Luna. (school)
– ‘Janae Plowed Over Boxes’ (talk to Janae at the retail store)
– ‘Hazel Backroom Cowgirl’ (talk to Hazel at the adult store)

Patreon voted scenes integrated into the story

– ‘Missus Mating Press’ (talk to Missus after completing her side story)
…several more, will add to list later…

How do gifts work? Which gift for which character?

Gifts increase your relationship with a character. It took 3 gifts to gain 1 point when I tried it.

Edit: As of v0.41, Gifts seem to be broken.

1) Buy gifts in the mall.
2) Go to character you want to give it to.
3) In your inventory, click on the item you want to give them. (It should then be “selected”.)
4) Click on the character to talk to them, there should be a new option to hand over the item.

Which gifts for each character?

Jane: All three kinds of socks and the lollipop.
Effie: Premium choc & nuts mix
Hitomi: Strawberry Pepper-o, chocolate Pepper-o, Peanut butter Pepper-o
Lashley: Bibles
Mrs Smith: Flowers

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